How old must I be to attend IGo?

20 years old.

What are the dates for the semesters?

First semester usually will begin the first Monday of September. Check with IGo administration to know for certain.

Second semester begins the first Monday of January.

Must I attend the first semester before attending the second semester?

No. The order doesn’t make a big difference.

What is the cost per semester?

One semester of attendance - $4,200.00

Two semesters of attendance - $7,900.00

Does that get paid up front or throughout the semester?

Preferably before the semester begins.

May I pay with credit card?

Yes. Click here or go to “Registration” and “Payment”.

Are tuition payments tax deductible?

No, they are not.

Are there any scholarships available?

Institute for Global Opportunities offers two types of scholarships as outlined below. Applicants must fill out a scholarship application and have full approval by their pastors and parents to request the scholarship.

A.     Partial Scholarship (amount determined by Finance Committee/IGo Administration)

1.     Applicant must have spent two years of voluntary service within the previous eighteen months with a conservative Anabaptist ministry or show financial difficulty regarding attendance.

2. This scholarship provides up to, but does not exceed, $1,500.00 per semester for tuition.

B.     Full Scholarship (covers room & board, tuition, and half of ministry trip expenses)

1.     This scholarship provides $2,500.00 per semester for tuition, room & board, and half of ministry trip expenses.

2.     Applicant must commit to a minimum of two years of voluntary service with a conservative Anabaptist, cross-cultural ministry* within eighteen months after attendance at IGo.